How to upload music files to Everest Cast?
Everest cast offers multiple ways of uploading your music files to your station.
To upload music files less than 20MB in a single size, you can use options 1 and 2 methods above.
- Click-Select Upload method
To start out, click on the Playlist menu in the Everest Cast home dashboard. Then click on the New Playlist button to create your desired playlists, aside using the default All Files Playlist. Then click on the Add Files ''+'' symbol beside the playlist(s) to launch your computer file browser window for files selection. - Drag & Drop Upload method
To start out, click on the Playlist menu in the Everest Cast home dashboard. Then click on the New Playlist button to create your desired playlists, aside using the default All Files Playlist. You can also Drag and Drop one or multiple files from your computer onto the upload wizard. The uploaded files usually take a moment to optimize before usage. - FTP Upload Method
You also have the option in Everest Cast to connect to your station server using Free FTP clients such as Cyberduck, Filezilla or FreeFTP. To see your Streemlion FTP credentials, go to Everest cast home dashboard and click on the Settings Menu then scroll down to end of the page.